We Help Dads Build Skills 

Skills that build family, build community, build themselves, and build the future



We want to help you build the skills to become theirs!

Someone gave us a bedtime book that I read to my kids called "Dad Can Do Anything". It was written from the perspective of the child about his Dad. From the title of the story, you can imagine the perspective and view point the storyline takes. The dad is the hero who could do anything. And if the child couldn't do it, the dad hero would help until he was big enough to do it himself. 

A story like this can stir mixed emotions depending on your personal story. Almost everyone starts life with a hero. A person they look up to and that they admire. A person they learn from and can do no wrong. Sometimes that hero is a constant in their life and sometimes they disappear like Super Man, never to come back. Regardless of your experience, good or bad, you learned something from someone and have a lot to offer. The question remains: Who was your hero? And what did you learn from him? What do you wish you would have learned?

SkilledDad aims to help dads be the super heroes that their kids (and often wives) believe they are, by providing content, resources, and a community that help you learn the knowledge and skills that you can engage to equip the next generation for a successful future.



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As a dad, there is a lot to learn. Many of us learned by trial and error and on our own. Sometimes we felt alone or wondered if we were doing it wrong. Trial and error will always be there. That is part of learning. Doing it alone with no guide and without others walking with us doesn't.

We are dads, just like you, that are wondering the same things, figuring out how to solve similar problems, and constantly learning new things. The difference is we  have chosen not to go it alone.

"I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

Winston Churchill

"To learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know.”

Stephen R. Covey

Have you ever watched someone do something and say "why didn't he do (fill in the blank)", or maybe "if that guy can do it than I know I can." Then you go in gung-ho thinking you'll be wrapped up in 20 minutes. Right in time to catch the game? Two hours later, you wrap up the "easy" project and it almost looks like what you were trying to accomplish in your vision?

 Getting our hands dirty and putting in the reps is where we really learn. Putting in to practice what we saw or read. Then fail, adjust, fail again. Until we have corrected enough for it to be right.

We want the best for our kids. In a world that continues to produce new challenges, it is up to us equip them with the knowledge, skills, and experience to be ready to successfully walk in it.

We continuously learn together, do and experience, then teach and equip our own.

We don't leave it to the world to do it.

"We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors."

Lyndon B. Johnson

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