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TheSkilledDad Library- A Place To Learn

TheSkilledDad exists to be a resource for dads of all seasons to learn the things that they can do and engage (put into action), so that they can equip the future generation for success. 

TheSkilledDad library falls within the learning component of our mission. It is the place for dads to go to learn about a variety of topics as it relates to being a dad, a husband, and a man. You can call it our blog. We call it our library. When you are looking for information, how to's, stories, or encouragement around certain topics, you can come here. 

Articles will vary in length and size, so if it is getting a little long for you, check out TheSkillPoints at the bottom of each article. They are like the bullet points of a recipe that is written in paragraph form (which I usually jump to). 

We are looking for contributors! We are all skilled at something and have stories that are powerful that others would benefit from. So we want to hear from you! Have a story or skill that you want to share and equip others with? Email us and let us know. We want to hear from you! Go HERE to submit your story.

Our aim is to provide valuable information and stories to equip you with the knowledge to apply to your life and in turn equip others. We look forward to growing with you!


  • The library holds stories and articles on topics related to being a dad, husband, and man
  • You can call it a Blog. We call it a Library.
  • TheSkillPoints are the key points of an article for the impatient reader
  • We want to hear your story and skill tips. Submit them HERE
  • We are just getting started

January 31, 2024
About This Episode 
January 31, 2024
About This Episode 
December 5, 2023
How often do you get to sit down with fun people that you enjoy being around and just take time to talk about life? Hopefully, you are doing it often. If not, this episode is a good reminder of the value of good conversation. I get to do just that on this episode with Brian Lawrence, a dad of four boys and a man focused on helping other leaders win at their business and in their family.
October 10, 2023
Dads make a difference. Period. Full-stop. What kind of difference they make (positive or negative) is going to depend on the choices we as dads make and how we approach challenges that will come. That's how we grow and then be equipped to teach. Too often this growth is happening alone as lone wolf dads. Join us on this episode of the SkilledDad podcast where we dive into this and more.
September 23, 2023
One of the most important skills we can have as parents is the ability to ask good questions. Asking good questions is key and so is listening carefully to the questions our kids ask us. Sometimes they ask (A LOT) and sometimes it may take something to spur those questions in them. Sometimes we need a conversation starter.
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